Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery


  • Buttock augmentation, or gluteal augmentation, is used to improve the contour, size and/or shape of the buttocks. This is done through the use of buttock implants, fat grafting or sometimes a combination of the two.

    Buttock augmentation through the use of fat grafting involves the transfer of fat from one area of the body into the tissues of the buttocks. This technique is sometimes referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift.

    Plastic Surgery Societies Issue Urgent Warning About the Risks Associated with Brazilian Butt Lifts

  • Increase fullness, roundness and projection of your butt or buttocks

    Improve the balance of your figure

    Enhance your self-image and self-confidence.

    In addition to buttock augmentation procedures, a buttock lift can be accomplished by the surgical removal of soft tissue.

  • Buttock enhancement surgeries are highly individualized procedures. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.

    You may be a good candidate for buttock augmentation if:
    •You are physically healthy
    •You have realistic expectations
    •You are bothered by the feeling that your butt is too small
    •You are unhappy with the roundness or general shape of your butt
    •Your butt is asymmetrical

  • Step 1 – Anesthesia
    Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The choices include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.

    Step 2 – Liposuction
    Liposuction is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions. First, diluted local anesthesia is administered to reduce bleeding and trauma. Then a thin hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat using a controlled back and forth motion. The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula. In general, your surgeon may liposuction up to three times the amount of fat than what will actually be injected into the buttocks.

    Step 3 – Fat injection
    The fat, tissue and blood that were removed through liposuction are then processed. The syringes are then connected to a special cannula. Your surgeon will use this cannula to add the fat to the buttocks through small injections all over your behind.

    Step 4 – See the results
    The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible; however, you will not see your final results until a year after the surgery, as it takes a while for the fat to “take.” This procedure offers natural-looking and -feeling results, but the projection of the buttocks may decrease over time. Some of the initial volume you experience after your fat grafting procedure will fade as the fat is absorbed by your body (on the average patients will retain 60-80% of the transferred fat, in some cases more in others less). Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of your goal for a fuller butt. As you gain or lose weight, your results may change as the transferred fat can grow or shrink just as any other fat in your body.

  • You will be asked to avoid prolonged sitting for about two weeks (some surgeons prefer longer). This is very important because prolonged sitting will damage the fat.

    You will also be encouraged to sleep face down or on your side. When you do have to sit, you will have to use a pillow or cushion placed behind the legs (hamstring muscles) to help raise the buttocks, avoiding pressure onto the fat grafts.

    Your surgeon may encourage you to seek a lymphatic massage from a licensed massage therapist. You can generally resume exercise after six to eight weeks.

  • The results of buttock augmentation and/or buttock lift surgery are visible almost immediately. However, it will take some time for the final results of the procedure to fully develop. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover from surgery.

    The tissues will settle a little within the first 3-6 months and the scarring can take up to two years to fade to its mature level. Some visible scars will remain, but the overall results are long-lasting, provided that you maintain a stable weight and general fitness. As your body ages, it is natural to lose some firmness. However, most of your initial improvement should remain.

    Although good results are expected from your buttock enhancement surgery, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.

    Following Dr. Nichols instructions is essential to the success of your surgery. It is important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, motion, swelling or abrasion during the time of healing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself.

    If your procedure was performed with fat transfer, it can take up to a year to see your final results. Some of the fat that leads to the initial shape after surgery will be reabsorbed by your body.

    The results of your buttock augmentation surgery will be long-lasting. Over time, your butt’s size and shape can continue to change due to aging and gravity. You’ll be able to retain your new look longer if you maintain your weight and keep a healthy lifestyle.

    If your surgery was performed with fat transfer, it is important to keep in mind that this fat can behave like any other fat in your body. If you gain weight, the fat in your buttocks may grow. If you lose weight, you may lose some of the volume in the buttocks as the fat shrinks.

  • The decision to have a buttock enhancement procedure is extremely personal. You will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of buttock augmentation or buttock lift surgery are acceptable.

    Plastic Surgery Societies Issue Urgent Warning About the Risks Associated with Brazilian Butt Lifts

    Your plastic surgeon and/or staff will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure you will undergo and any risks or potential complications.

    Buttock enhancement risks include:
    •Anesthesia risks
    •Bleeding (hematoma)
    •Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
    •Fatty tissue under the skin might die (fat necrosis)
    •Fluid accumulation (seroma)
    •Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
    •Pain, which may persist
    •Poor wound healing
    •Possible need for revisionary surgery
    •Recurrent looseness of skin
    •Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling
    •Skin loss
    •Sutures may spontaneously surface through the skin, become visible or produce irritation and require removal
    •Unfavorable scarring

    These risks and others will be fully discussed prior to your consent. It is important that you address all your questions directly with Dr. Nichols.

  • For 2023 you can expect to spend at least $10,550 for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

    ***Disclaimer: This information is only an approximation and not a guarantee of final costs. Pricing provided is merely an estimate of starting costs and are subject to change.

“Dr Nichols is amazing and all the staff. I got a Brazilian butt lift and am so happy with the results. Great price also. I would and will recommend his services to anybody I was comfortable with everything and he is very informative with all the pros and cons of the procedure. I'll be forever grateful.”
-2021 Brazilian Butt Lift Patient

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