Weight Loss Clinic

with Dr. Albershardt

The Weight Loss Athlete

People who are losing weight should be considered an athlete. It is extremely difficult. The failure rate is high and there is a high amount of knowledge required to do it effectively. Athletes combat this by getting coaches, trainers, meal plans, and people who keep them accountable. People who are trying to shed pounds should be treated the same way. They should have a coach who is knowledgeable and has a track record of weight loss in their patients. Their coach is the one who creates the plan that is tailored to the weight loss athlete, educates them about food and adjusts the plan based on the performance of the weight loss athlete. Make sure that you choose the right coach. Your coach should be knowledgeable about weight loss – specifically weight loss and not just food. Your coach should tailor the plan to you, your goals, your body style and how fast you want to lose weight. The plan should not be the same for everyone. Ask your coach how they tailor the plan to you. Your coach should also modify the plan as you lose weight. Your coach should also be there to help you transition from weight loss to maintenance of the new, lower weight.

Why would you go through all the pain of weight loss with the plan to gain it all back a few years after completing the weight loss program?

You need to continue with your coach after the weight loss to transition to weightmaintenance. Yo-yoing back and forth between high weights and low weights does a multitude of bad things: 1) You lose confidence – if you couldn’t keep the weight off for more than a few months, you feel like you failed; 2) You lose the drive to lose weight – when it takes 6, 8, or 12 months to lose the weight only to gain it back in under a year, it feels like weight loss isn’t worth it; 3) You don’t very much of the medical benefits of weight loss – the medical benefits once the weight is gone and if you only stay at the lower weight for 2-3 months over 2-3 years, you haven’t really realized all that much benefit from the weight loss.

A medication for weight loss

There are many medications on the market that are designed to help you lose weight. Many people are sold on the benefits of the medication but not the side effects. Your coach should discuss the downsides of the medications available along with the benefits. If the medication is the right choice for you, then it’s appropriate to use a medication to augment your weight loss journey. However, there must be a strategy implemented inside of the weight loss plan to address when you stop the medication. You shouldn’t be taking weight loss medications for the rest of your life. They should have a time-limit. The medication is there to help you lose weight, not be the main driver of your weight loss.

Infusions for weight loss

One of the biggest hurdles to start losing weight and continue to lose weight is your metabolism. Your metabolism is a very complex system of biochemicals in a very delicate balance. The goal of IV infusions isn’t to alter this complex system. That could cause drastic and horrible side effects. Your body has a grocery store of all the biochemicals that it uses in its balance (also called homeostasis) and it alters how much of each ingredient that it uses based on where the metabolism. What happens if you go to the grocery store and they are out of eggs or out of fruits? Your breakfast may not taste as good. Your breakfast may not be as nutritious. In the same way, your body will look inside of its grocery store for those biochemicals that it uses to adjust its metabolism. The groceries will eventually get there as the supply chain catches up, but it will take time. The IV infusions are the rescue truck of groceries that stock the shelves before the supply chain catches up. They put the eggs, fruit, oatmeal and vegetables on the shelves so that breakfast has all the right ingredients. During the weight loss journey, there are plateaus in weight loss which can be caused by lack of these ingredients (not always though). The IV infusions will provide the ingredients so the body can progress forward faster and break through these plateaus. The infusions are there to augment your weight loss rather than cause weight loss.

The role of Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise have been the mainstays of weight loss for decades. They have been the cornerstones of healthy living because they are so important. However, diet isn’t educated in school and the common knowledge like the food pyramid have been shown to be completely wrong. The shape of the ‘pyramid’ changes based on your body type, your diet desires and how much you exercise. If you want to change your weight, you need to change your diet and exercise.

How fast do you want to lose weight?

You can lose weight fairly fast. But it takes a lot more work. It depends on how hardcore you want to be in your weight loss journey. Some people want to make drastic changes in their diet and exercise starting today, right now. Some people want to try moderate changes in their diet with mild changes in their exercise. The time course of their weight loss will be different. That is why we tailor the weight loss plan to the patient and how fast they want to lose weight. However, you should know that the faster you want the weight loss, the harder the work, but the greater rewards.

Almost every athlete who has the dedication to their craft has a coach. You are a weight loss athlete and you need someone to guide you, educate you and give you the tools for success. We tailor the weight loss plan to you and your goals. We spend a great deal of time in education to empower you to perform as the best athlete you can be. There are also medications and infusions to help you when the going gets tough.

Learn more about the Weight Loss Athlete by visiting www.weightlossathlete.com